Car of the Year’s big screen role in new sci-fi thriller opposite Scarlett Johansson.
Peugeot’s 308 makes its film debut in Lucy, the latest film by Luc Besson, which opens in cinemas this Friday.
The car appears alongside leading actors Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman in a film which tells the story of a young student who, as a result of circumstances beyond her control, finds her mental capabilities grow infinitely. She then ‘colonises’ her brain and acquires unlimited powers.
Following on from Taxi (1998) and 3 Days to Kill (2014) starring Kevin Costner, Lucy is the third feature-length film in which the famous director has honoured a Peugeot with a role.
In the film, Johansson (Lucy) takes the wheel of a new Peugeot 308 during a breathtaking high-speed chase through the streets of Paris and racing down the famous rue de Rivoli.