Tuesday , April 16 2024
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The Big Freeze

There used to be a commodity available to all – and still is – that is called common sense. So it is even more amazing when bad things happen to people who have neglected to consume their fair share of the stuff.

These days modern cars use built-in security that makes it more difficult to steal them without the keys, so year on year thieves look for new ways to exploit the vulnerability of folk who have left there common sense behind in the closet.

For example at this time of year – and this happens more often than you might think – when leaving for work or just going out early in the morning, sleepy drivers switch on their engines and let the car idle to warm up and begin the process of defrosting the windscreen. Modern cars warm up quickly and it is also possible to get high-tech covers to ensure a frost free screen in the chilly a.m. but there’s no inherent issue with leaving the motor running. Nevertheless you should never leave your vehicle unattended as it may well be just the ticket for a would-be crook. Just popping back into the house is enough of a window for the tea-leaf to pounce.

It isn’t just by chance either. There are organised gangs who will target specific makes and models that are parked out overnight. They will keep watch on the vehicles when the weather is cold waiting for the owner to leave it unattended. Thieves are opportunists and look out for cars on cold mornings, shopping around for the most popular makes and models, as temperatures start to drop.steal

It gets worse. Many drivers don’t realise that police may even prosecute them, if their car is stolen while unattended with the engine left running. Bereft owners may also suffer further indignity when insurance companies decline to pay out for the claim, meaning the victim could be seriously out of pocket as well as on foot.

Here’s some tips that Automotive Blog reckon will stand you in good stead: If you own an especially valuable car then fit some form of tracking device. It may even help with insurance premiums. Never, ever, leave keys in the ignition, even if you are just stopping for five minutes and never, as we’ve mentioned, leave your car running unattended when de-icing. Some new cars have keyless entry and go. It pays just to look around in car parks and the like for any suspicious behaviour. Make sure you see the locking light sequence flash.

It is always tempting to go back into the house rather than sitting in a freezing car but people who do aren’t really exhibiting common sense are they? Thieves know this.

About Geoff

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